

Oracle9i Application Server R2 9.0.2 のインストール中に「Your local host name database file (typically /etc/hosts) is not configured properly」エラーが発生する


  • Oracle9i Application Server R2 9.0.2 のインストール中に「Your local host name database file (typically /etc/hosts) is not configured properly」エラーが発生する。
  • /export/home/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2011-03-31_09-01-44AM.log
platGroup = WINDOWS
Query returned : false
Calling query netQueries2.  getFullHostName
Query returned : jpsunty10
Calling query netQueries2.  getMachineName

hostName = jpsunty10
Query returned : jpsunty10
Setting value of PRE_REQUISITE to false
# The pre-requisite for the component Oracle9i Application Server  has failed.
Error :*** Alert: Your local host name database file (typically /etc/hosts) is not configured properly. This file should have an entry of the form: 


On Solaris systems, the following files should also contain the fully qualified hostname, including the domain name:

/etc/nodename, /etc/net/ticlts/hosts, /etc/net/ticots/hosts, /etc/net/ticotsord/hosts, and any files in /etc whose names begin with "hostname" 

In some of the above files, the hostname may occur more than once, in which case all occurrences should be changed. Please correct your local host name database file, reboot the host, and restart the installation. Failure to properly configure this file may result in product runtime issues regarding proper hostname resolution. ***


  • /etc/hosts の設定不良。
  • 」という書式で記述していなかった。具体的には以下の通り。
誤: oas oas.ablog.com
正: oas.ablog.com oas


  • /etc/hosts の記述を修正する。