

Amazon Chime のチャットで Markdown 記法を使う

Sending Markdown Messages
To send an Amazon Chime chat message using markdown syntax, type /md followed by a space at the beginning of your message. Compose your message using markdown syntax. Press Enter to send.
The following example demonstrates how to format an Amazon Chime chat message using markdown syntax.

/md **Hello world!**

The following example demonstrates how the sent message appears in Amazon Chime.

Hello world!

Sending Code Blocks in Messages
To send a code block in an Amazon Chime chat message, type /code followed by a space at the beginning of your message. Copy and paste your code block into the message. Press Enter to send.
The following example demonstrates how to send a code block in an Amazon Chime chat message.

/code CreateBotRequest createBotRequest = new CreateBotRequest()

The following example demonstrates how the sent message appears in Amazon Chime.

CreateBotRequest createBotRequest = new CreateBotRequest()


Using Chat Features - Amazon Chime