

Redshift で列レベルのアクセス制御を行う

Redshift で列レベルのアクセス制御を検証してみた。

  • Redshift に接続する
psql "host=redshift-cluster-4.********.ap-northeast-1.redshift.amazonaws.com user=awsuser dbname=dev port=5439"
  • テーブルを作成する
  c_custkey      INTEGER NOT NULL,
  c_name         VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
  c_address      VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
  c_city         VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
  c_nation       VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
  c_region       VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL,
  c_phone        VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
  c_mktsegment   VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL
  • データを自アカウントの S3 にアップロードする
    • S3 to S3 copy で "An error occurred (AccessDenied) whencalling the GetObjectTagging operation: Access Denied" エラーになったため、一旦 EC2 にダウンロードしている
mkdir ssbgz
aws s3 mb awssampledb-123456789012
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/ ./ssbgz/
aws s3 cp --recursive ./ssbgz/ s3://awssampledb-awssampledb-123456789012/ssbgz/
  • データをロードする
copy customer from 's3://awssampledb-123456789012/ssbgz/customer'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/RedshiftS3ReadOnly'
gzip compupdate off region 'ap-northeast-1';
  • ユーザーを作成する
create user test_user1 password 'Password1';
  • 特定カラムだけアクセス権を付与する
GRANT SELECT(c_custkey, c_name, c_mktsegment) ON customer TO test_user1;
  • スーパーユーザーでは全カラムにアクセスできる
dev=# select * from customer limit 10;
 c_custkey |       c_name       |        c_address         |   c_city   |  c_nation  |  c_region   |     c_phone     | c_mktsegment
      1401 | Customer#000001401 | C4vlB8ENikVmaMiz         | INDONESIA9 | INDONESIA  | ASIA        | 19-339-404-7859 | BUILDING
      1402 | Customer#000001402 | F7 m0JwiCABmb            | FRANCE   9 | FRANCE     | EUROPE      | 16-713-144-2780 | AUTOMOBILE
      1403 | Customer#000001403 | ,ql804gtMc3uxTf          | JAPAN    4 | JAPAN      | ASIA        | 22-458-624-2509 | HOUSEHOLD
      1404 | Customer#000001404 | pIO5i3yjeODChGMH         | JAPAN    2 | JAPAN      | ASIA        | 22-320-701-5582 | MACHINERY
      1405 | Customer#000001405 | i9khsGcg17kWI4q5LKTc     | MOZAMBIQU4 | MOZAMBIQUE | AFRICA      | 26-285-488-6682 | BUILDING
      1406 | Customer#000001406 | g1xS4snd0fzl4R,          | ETHIOPIA 4 | ETHIOPIA   | AFRICA      | 15-767-155-6419 | HOUSEHOLD
      1407 | Customer#000001407 | zZsTZ3nI                 | KENYA    8 | KENYA      | AFRICA      | 24-529-300-1554 | BUILDING
      1408 | Customer#000001408 | NMIb3p1DyU,Z             | IRAQ     1 | IRAQ       | MIDDLE EAST | 21-901-381-6344 | HOUSEHOLD
      1409 | Customer#000001409 | jzfaCks                  | IRAQ     3 | IRAQ       | MIDDLE EAST | 21-667-401-3780 | MACHINERY
      1410 | Customer#000001410 | yEUlreh6mkGmg8SIwKZooUOJ | RUSSIA   7 | RUSSIA     | EUROPE      | 32-358-270-1819 | HOUSEHOLD
  • ユーザーを test_user1 に切り替える
dev=# set session authorization test_user1;
  • アクセス権を付与したカラムにはアクセスできる
dev=> select c_custkey, c_name, c_mktsegment from customer limit 10;
 c_custkey |       c_name       | c_mktsegment
      1301 | Customer#000001301 | MACHINERY
      1302 | Customer#000001302 | MACHINERY
      1303 | Customer#000001303 | MACHINERY
      1304 | Customer#000001304 | AUTOMOBILE
      1305 | Customer#000001305 | MACHINERY
      1306 | Customer#000001306 | MACHINERY
      1307 | Customer#000001307 | MACHINERY
      1308 | Customer#000001308 | MACHINERY
      1309 | Customer#000001309 | AUTOMOBILE
      1310 | Customer#000001310 | HOUSEHOLD
(10 行)
  • アクセス権を付与してないカラムにはアクセスできない。 select * from もエラーになる。テーブル定義は確認できる。
dev=> select * from customer limit 10;
ERROR:  permission denied for relation customer
dev=> select c_address, c_city from customer;
ERROR:  permission denied for relation customer
dev=> \d customer;
      列      |        タイプ         | 照合順序 | Null 値を許容 | デフォルト
 c_custkey    | integer               |          | not null      |
 c_name       | character varying(25) |          | not null      |
 c_address    | character varying(25) |          | not null      |
 c_city       | character varying(10) |          | not null      |
 c_nation     | character varying(15) |          | not null      |
 c_region     | character varying(12) |          | not null      |
 c_phone      | character varying(15) |          | not null      |
 c_mktsegment | character varying(10) |          | not null      |