シリアル % echo 'To be or not to be, that is the question'| perl -lane 'map{s/,//g;$hash{lc($_)}++} @F;foreach(keys %hash){print qq/$_:$hash{$_}/}' the:1 that:1 not:1 is:1 question:1 to:2 or:1 be:2 map だけパラレル? % echo 'To be or not to…
シリアル % echo 'To be or not to be, that is the question'| perl -lane 'map{s/,//g;$hash{lc($_)}++} @F;foreach(keys %hash){print qq/$_:$hash{$_}/}' the:1 that:1 not:1 is:1 question:1 to:2 or:1 be:2 map だけパラレル? % echo 'To be or not to…