例えば、SCOTT ユーザーがいたとして、SCOTT ユーザーに SYS ユーザーの権限をコピーしたいような時に使う SQL スクリプト。
SYS ユーザーは例としてよくないかもしれないけど、以下の通り実験に使ってしまったので。。。
prompt specify user name which you want to create; define grantee = &grantee prompt specify user name whom you want to copy privallege from; define from_user_name = &from_user_name set echo off set pagesize 0 set head off set feed off set verify off col spool_file_name new_value spool_file_name format a100 select 'grant_privilege_to_'||lower('&&grantee')||'.sql' spool_file_name from dual; spool &spool_file_name select '-- grant system privilege to user.' from dual; select 'GRANT '||PRIVILEGE||' TO '|| upper('&&grantee') || DECODE(ADMIN_OPTION,'YES',' WITH ADMIN OPTION','')||';' from dba_sys_privs where grantee = upper('&&from_user_name'); select '' from dual; select '--grant object privilege to user.' from dual; select 'GRANT '||PRIVILEGE||' ON '||OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME||' TO '|| upper('&&grantee') || DECODE(GRANTABLE,'YES',' WITH GRANT OPTION','')||';' from dba_tab_privs where grantee = upper('&&from_user_name'); select '' from dual; select '--grant role to user.' from dual; select 'GRANT '||GRANTED_ROLE||' TO '|| upper('&&grantee') || DECODE(ADMIN_OPTION, 'YES', ' WITH ADMIN OPTION', '')||';' from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS where GRANTEE = upper('&&from_user_name'); select '' from dual; select 'exit' from dual; spool off exit
$ sqlplus -s / as sysdba @create_grant_user_script.sql specify user name which you want to create Enter value for grantee: scott specify user name whom you want to copy privallege from Enter value for from_user_name: sys $ cat grant_privilege_to_scott.sql -- grant system privilege to user. GRANT CREATE EXTERNAL JOB TO SCOTT; GRANT MANAGE FILE GROUP TO SCOTT; GRANT ADMINISTER SQL TUNING SET TO SCOTT; ... GRANT GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS TO SCOTT WITH ADMIN OPTION; GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO SCOTT WITH ADMIN OPTION; GRANT CONNECT TO SCOTT WITH ADMIN OPTION; exit $ sqlplus / as sysdba @grant_privilege_to_scott.sql Grant succeeded. Grant succeeded. ...
単に SCOTT ユーザが SMITH ユーザのテーブルを参照できるようにしたいとか、ディクショナリ表を参照できるようにしたい場合は、以下のシステム権限を付与してやれば良い。
SQL> conn scott/tiger Connected. SQL> select count(1) from sys.dba_tables; select count(1) from sys.dba_tables * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> grant select any table to scott; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant select any dictionary to scott; Grant succeeded. SQL> conn scott/tiger Connected. SQL> select count(1) from sys.dba_tables; COUNT(1) ---------- 1293
SELECT ANY TABLE 任意のスキーマ内の表、ビューまたはマテリアライズド・ビューの問合せ