

DMS Full Load 検証メモ

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) の Full Load (Oracle Database -> MySQL) の検証メモ。

  • Oracle Database(ソース) の TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 型の列は DMS で MySQL(ターゲット) にロードすると varchar(37) 型の列に変換される*1
    • ソースが TIMESTAMP(3) ... でも TIMESTAMP(6) ... でも精度に関係なく、ターゲットでは9桁(ナノ秒)の varchar(37) 列が作成される。
    • ソースの TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE が9桁未満の場合は末尾が0埋めされてロードされる。
      • 例)2017-12-04 08:05:19.112684000 +09:00
  • ターゲットの MySQL に予めテーブルを char(36) で作成しておいて TRUNCATE モードの場合も、TIMESTAMP(3) ... でも TIMESTAMP(6) ... でも精度に関係なく9桁(ナノ秒)まで末尾を0埋めしてロードされる。


ソースの Oracle Database にテーブルを作ってレコードを挿入する
sqlplus awsuser/passowrd@orcl.******.ap-northeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com:1521/ORCL
create table timestamp_tz_test1 (
	col1 timestamp(6) with time zone,
	col2 timestamp(6) with time zone
insert into timestamp_tz_test1 (col1, col2) values(current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
insert into timestamp_tz_test1 (col1, col2) values(current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
insert into timestamp_tz_test1 (col1, col2) values(current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
set linesize 200
col COL1 for a36
col COL2 for a36
select * from timestamp_tz_test1;

COL1				     COL2
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
2017-12-04 08:05:19.112684 +09:00    2017-12-04 08:05:19.112684 +09:00
2017-12-04 08:05:19.130025 +09:00    2017-12-04 08:05:19.130025 +09:00
2017-12-04 08:05:19.152363 +09:00    2017-12-04 08:05:19.152363 +09:00
ターゲットの Aurora(MySQL互換) にテーブルを作成する
mysql -h aurora01.******.ap-northeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com -u awsuser -p
use mydb;
create table `TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1` (
	col1 char(36),
	col2 char(33)
DMS のタスクで Full Load する。
  • タスクの定義は以下の通り。
Task nameAn identifier for your Task	timestamp-tz-test1
Task ARNThis ARN is the stable way uniquely identify your Replication Task when calling DMS APIs	arn:aws:dms:ap-northeast-1:******
StatusThe current computed status of the task. Note that this is a computed value and may not match the raw status from the service API	starting
Migration typeHow should this task migrate data	Full Load
Replication instanceReplication instance	replication-instance-1
Source endpointSource endpoint	prodendpoint
Target endpointTarget endpoint	testendpoint
Mapping methodThis is a json document that details how source tables are mapped to the target	{
	"rules": [
			"rule-type": "selection",
			"rule-id": "1",
			"rule-name": "1",
			"object-locator": {
				"schema-name": "AWSUSER",
				"table-name": "TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1"
			"rule-action": "include"
			"rule-type": "transformation",
			"rule-id": "2",
			"rule-name": "2",
			"rule-target": "schema",
			"object-locator": {
				"schema-name": "AWSUSER"
			"rule-action": "rename",
			"value": "mydb"
Task settingsThe task settings JSON allows you to apply custom settings to you task.	{"TargetMetadata":{"TargetSchema":"","SupportLobs":false,"FullLobMode":false,"LobChunkSize":64,"LimitedSizeLobMode":true,"LobMaxSize":32,"LoadMaxFileSize":0,"ParallelLoadThreads":0,"ParallelLoadBufferSize":0,"BatchApplyEnabled":false},"FullLoadSettings":{"TargetTablePrepMode":"TRUNCATE_BEFORE_LOAD","CreatePkAfterFullLoad":false,"StopTaskCachedChangesApplied":false,"StopTaskCachedChangesNotApplied":false,"MaxFullLoadSubTasks":8,"TransactionConsistencyTimeout":600,"CommitRate":10000},"Logging":{"EnableLogging":true,"LogComponents":[{"Id":"SOURCE_UNLOAD","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"SOURCE_CAPTURE","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"TARGET_LOAD","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"TARGET_APPLY","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"TASK_MANAGER","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"}],"CloudWatchLogGroup":"dms-tasks-replication-instance-1","CloudWatchLogStream":"dms-task-*******"},"ControlTablesSettings":{"historyTimeslotInMinutes":5,"ControlSchema":"","HistoryTimeslotInMinutes":5,"HistoryTableEnabled":false,"SuspendedTablesTableEnabled":false,"StatusTableEnabled":false},"StreamBufferSettings":{"StreamBufferCount":3,"StreamBufferSizeInMB":8,"CtrlStreamBufferSizeInMB":5},"ChangeProcessingDdlHandlingPolicy":{"HandleSourceTableDropped":true,"HandleSourceTableTruncated":true,"HandleSourceTableAltered":true},"ErrorBehavior":{"DataErrorPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","DataTruncationErrorPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","DataErrorEscalationPolicy":"SUSPEND_TABLE","DataErrorEscalationCount":0,"TableErrorPolicy":"SUSPEND_TABLE","TableErrorEscalationPolicy":"STOP_TASK","TableErrorEscalationCount":0,"RecoverableErrorCount":-1,"RecoverableErrorInterval":5,"RecoverableErrorThrottling":true,"RecoverableErrorThrottlingMax":1800,"ApplyErrorDeletePolicy":"IGNORE_RECORD","ApplyErrorInsertPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","ApplyErrorUpdatePolicy":"LOG_ERROR","ApplyErrorEscalationPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","ApplyErrorEscalationCount":0,"ApplyErrorFailOnTruncationDdl":false,"FullLoadIgnoreConflicts":true,"FailOnTransactionConsistencyBreached":false,"FailOnNoTablesCaptured":false},"ChangeProcessingTuning":{"BatchApplyPreserveTransaction":true,"BatchApplyTimeoutMin":1,"BatchApplyTimeoutMax":30,"BatchApplyMemoryLimit":500,"BatchSplitSize":0,"MinTransactionSize":1000,"CommitTimeout":1,"MemoryLimitTotal":1024,"MemoryKeepTime":60,"StatementCacheSize":50},"ValidationSettings":{"EnableValidation":true,"ValidationMode":"ROW_LEVEL","ThreadCount":5}}
ターゲットの Aurora(MySQL互換) を確認する
select * from TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1;
| col1                                 | col2                              |
| 2017-12-04 08:05:19.112684000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 08:05:19.112684000 +09★ | 桁数を減らすと Time Zone の表記が欠ける
| 2017-12-04 08:05:19.130025000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 08:05:19.130025000 +09 |
| 2017-12-04 08:05:19.152363000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 08:05:19.152363000 +09 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
pager less -S
select * from mysql.general_log where user_host like '%awsuser%' and event_time > date_add(now(), interval -1 day); 


| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | TRUNCATE TABLE `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1` ★ truncate
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=1
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'mydb'
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=DEFAULT
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'mydb'
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=1
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='mydb' and table_name='TIMESTAMP_TZ_TES
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=DEFAULT
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='mydb' and table_name='TIMESTAMP_TZ_TES
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SELECT * FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1` WHERE 1=0
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=1
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1` where `Field` = "col1"
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=DEFAULT
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1` where `Field` = "col1"
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=1
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1` where `Field` = "col2"
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=DEFAULT
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1` where `Field` = "col2"
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW KEYS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1`
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW KEYS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1`
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1856 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW KEYS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST1`
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | SET AUTOCOMMIT=0
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | load data local infile "/rdsdbdata/data/tasks/RFI7ZS7TYDMJIWYHLMY5AUXEV4/data_files/1/LOAD00000001.csv" i ★データロード
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | COMMIT
| 2017-12-03 23:11:55 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1852 | 1880231669 | Query        | SET AUTOCOMMIT=1


ソースの Oracle Database にテーブルを作ってレコードを挿入する
sqlplus awsuser/password@orcl.******.ap-northeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com:1521/ORCL
create table timestamp_tz_test2 (
	col1 timestamp(3) with time zone,
	col2 timestamp(6) with time zone,
	col3 timestamp(9) with time zone
insert into timestamp_tz_test2 (col1, col2, col3) values(current_timestamp, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
insert into timestamp_tz_test2 (col1, col2, col3) values(current_timestamp, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
insert into timestamp_tz_test2 (col1, col2, col3) values(current_timestamp, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
set linesize 200
col col1 for a36
col col2 for a36
col col3 for a36
select * from timestamp_tz_test2;
COL1				     COL2				  COL3
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
2017-12-04 09:15:16.378 +09:00	     2017-12-04 09:15:16.377774 +09:00	  2017-12-04 09:15:16.377774000 +09:00
2017-12-04 09:15:16.394 +09:00	     2017-12-04 09:15:16.393758 +09:00	  2017-12-04 09:15:16.393758000 +09:00
2017-12-04 09:15:16.406 +09:00	     2017-12-04 09:15:16.405861 +09:00	  2017-12-04 09:15:16.405861000 +09:00
DMS で Full Load
  • DMS のタスクの定義
Task nameAn identifier for your Task	timestamp-tz-test2
Task ARNThis ARN is the stable way uniquely identify your Replication Task when calling DMS APIs	arn:aws:dms:ap-northeast-1:******
StatusThe current computed status of the task. Note that this is a computed value and may not match the raw status from the service API	stopped
Migration typeHow should this task migrate data	Full Load
Replication instanceReplication instance	replication-instance-1
Source endpointSource endpoint	prodendpoint
Target endpointTarget endpoint	testendpoint
Mapping methodThis is a json document that details how source tables are mapped to the target
	"rules": [
			"rule-type": "selection",
			"rule-id": "1",
			"rule-name": "1",
			"object-locator": {
				"schema-name": "AWSUSER",
				"table-name": "TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2"
			"rule-action": "include"
			"rule-type": "transformation",
			"rule-id": "2",
			"rule-name": "2",
			"rule-target": "schema",
			"object-locator": {
				"schema-name": "AWSUSER"
			"rule-action": "rename",
			"value": "mydb"
Task settingsThe task settings JSON allows you to apply custom settings to you task.	{"TargetMetadata":{"TargetSchema":"","SupportLobs":false,"FullLobMode":false,"LobChunkSize":64,"LimitedSizeLobMode":true,"LobMaxSize":32,"LoadMaxFileSize":0,"ParallelLoadThreads":0,"ParallelLoadBufferSize":0,"BatchApplyEnabled":false},"FullLoadSettings":{"TargetTablePrepMode":"DROP_AND_CREATE","CreatePkAfterFullLoad":false,"StopTaskCachedChangesApplied":false,"StopTaskCachedChangesNotApplied":false,"MaxFullLoadSubTasks":8,"TransactionConsistencyTimeout":600,"CommitRate":10000},"Logging":{"EnableLogging":true,"LogComponents":[{"Id":"SOURCE_UNLOAD","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"SOURCE_CAPTURE","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"TARGET_LOAD","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"TARGET_APPLY","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"},{"Id":"TASK_MANAGER","Severity":"LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT"}],"CloudWatchLogGroup":"dms-tasks-replication-instance-1","CloudWatchLogStream":"dms-task-BQG6YVNJVPXA3VIRCANSZXKNP4"},"ControlTablesSettings":{"historyTimeslotInMinutes":5,"ControlSchema":"","HistoryTimeslotInMinutes":5,"HistoryTableEnabled":false,"SuspendedTablesTableEnabled":false,"StatusTableEnabled":false},"StreamBufferSettings":{"StreamBufferCount":3,"StreamBufferSizeInMB":8,"CtrlStreamBufferSizeInMB":5},"ChangeProcessingDdlHandlingPolicy":{"HandleSourceTableDropped":true,"HandleSourceTableTruncated":true,"HandleSourceTableAltered":true},"ErrorBehavior":{"DataErrorPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","DataTruncationErrorPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","DataErrorEscalationPolicy":"SUSPEND_TABLE","DataErrorEscalationCount":0,"TableErrorPolicy":"SUSPEND_TABLE","TableErrorEscalationPolicy":"STOP_TASK","TableErrorEscalationCount":0,"RecoverableErrorCount":-1,"RecoverableErrorInterval":5,"RecoverableErrorThrottling":true,"RecoverableErrorThrottlingMax":1800,"ApplyErrorDeletePolicy":"IGNORE_RECORD","ApplyErrorInsertPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","ApplyErrorUpdatePolicy":"LOG_ERROR","ApplyErrorEscalationPolicy":"LOG_ERROR","ApplyErrorEscalationCount":0,"ApplyErrorFailOnTruncationDdl":false,"FullLoadIgnoreConflicts":true,"FailOnTransactionConsistencyBreached":false,"FailOnNoTablesCaptured":false},"ChangeProcessingTuning":{"BatchApplyPreserveTransaction":true,"BatchApplyTimeoutMin":1,"BatchApplyTimeoutMax":30,"BatchApplyMemoryLimit":500,"BatchSplitSize":0,"MinTransactionSize":1000,"CommitTimeout":1,"MemoryLimitTotal":1024,"MemoryKeepTime":60,"StatementCacheSize":50},"ValidationSettings":{"EnableValidation":true,"ValidationMode":"ROW_LEVEL","ThreadCount":5}}
ターゲットの Aurora(MySQL互換) を確認する
mysql -h aurora01.******.ap-northeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com -u awsuser -p
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| COL1  | varchar(37)★ | YES  |     | NULL    |       | DMS にテーブル作成も任せるとソースの Oracle Database の timestamp(39) with time zone は MySQL(Aurora) では全て varchar(37) の列として作成される
| COL2  | varchar(37) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| COL3  | varchar(37) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
select * from TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2;
| COL1                                 | COL2                                 | COL3                                 |
| 2017-12-04 09:15:16.378000000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 09:15:16.377774000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 09:15:16.377774000 +09:00 |
| 2017-12-04 09:15:16.394000000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 09:15:16.393758000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 09:15:16.393758000 +09:00 |
| 2017-12-04 09:15:16.406000000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 09:15:16.405861000 +09:00 | 2017-12-04 09:15:16.405861000 +09:00 |
3 rows in set (0.02 sec)

pager less -S
select * from mysql.general_log where user_host like '%awsuser%' and event_time > date_add(now(), interval -1 day); 

| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1881 | 1880231669 | Query        | CREATE TABLE `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` (  `COL1` VARCHAR(37), `COL2` VARCHAR(37), `COL3` VARCHAR(37) ) ★ テーブル作成
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SELECT * FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` WHERE 1=0
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=1
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` where `Field` = "COL1"
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=DEFAULT
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` where `Field` = "COL1"
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=1
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` where `Field` = "COL2"
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=DEFAULT
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` where `Field` = "COL2"
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=1
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` where `Field` = "COL3"
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | set @@sql_select_limit=DEFAULT
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2` where `Field` = "COL3"
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW KEYS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2`
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW KEYS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2`
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1887 | 1880231669 | Query        | SHOW KEYS FROM `mydb`.`TIMESTAMP_TZ_TEST2`
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1881 | 1880231669 | Query        | SET AUTOCOMMIT=0
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1881 | 1880231669 | Query        | load data local infile "/rdsdbdata/data/tasks/BQG6YVNJVPXA3VIRCANSZXKNP4/data_files/1/LOAD00000001.csv" i ★データロード
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1881 | 1880231669 | Query        | COMMIT
| 2017-12-04 00:18:09 | awsuser[awsuser] @  [] |      1881 | 1880231669 | Query        | SET AUTOCOMMIT=1

*1:create table も DMS に任せた場合