


AWRのリポジトリデータを Data Pump export file にエクスポートして他のデータベースにインポートする手順。


  • ダンプファイルをEC2にアップロードする。
$ scp -i ~/mykey.pem awrdump.dmp clckwrk@ec2-*-***-***-**.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com:~/
SQL> set linesize 200
SQL> col owner for a10
SQL> col privilege for a10
SQL> col directory_name for a30
SQL> col grantee for a20
SQL> col directory_path for a50
SQL> select d.owner, d.directory_name, p.grantee, p.privilege, d.directory_path
		from dba_directories d, dba_tab_privs p
		where d.owner = p.owner
			and d.directory_name = p.table_name
		order by d.owner, d.directory_name;

---------- ------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  IMP_FULL_DATABASE    READ	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  EXP_FULL_DATABASE    READ	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  IMP_FULL_DATABASE    WRITE	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  EXP_FULL_DATABASE    WRITE	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  IMP_FULL_DATABASE    READ	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  EXP_FULL_DATABASE    READ	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  IMP_FULL_DATABASE    WRITE	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
SYS	   DATA_PUMP_DIR		  EXP_FULL_DATABASE    WRITE	  /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
  • 確認したパスにダンプファイルをコピーする。
$ sudo cp awrdump.dmp /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
  • ダンプファイルをロードする。
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrload.sql
Specify the Directory Name
Enter value for directory_name: DATA_PUMP_DIR ★ディレクトリオブジェクト
Specify the Name of the Dump File to Load
Please specify the prefix of the dump file (.dmp) to load:
Staging Schema to Load AWR Snapshot Data
The next step is to create the staging schema
where the AWR snapshot data will be loaded.
After loading the data into the staging schema,
the data will be transferred into the AWR tables
in the SYS schema.
Enter value for file_name: awrdump ★ダンプファイル名(拡張子.dmpは自動的に付与されるのでつけない)
Choose the Default tablespace for the AWR_STAGE user
Choose the AWR_STAGE users's default tablespace.  This is the
tablespace in which the AWR data will be staged.
Enter value for schema_name: AWR_STAGE ★テンポラリで作成するスキーマ名(任意の名前でよい)
Choose the Temporary tablespace for the AWR_STAGE user
Choose the AWR_STAGE user's temporary tablespace.
Enter value for temporary_tablespace: TEMP ★一時表領域
... Creating AWR_STAGE user

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|  Loading the AWR data from the following
|  directory/file:
|   /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
|   awrdump.dmp
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|  *** AWR Load Started ...
|  This operation will take a few moments. The
|  progress of the AWR load operation can be
|  monitored in the following directory/file:
|   /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/
|   awrdump.log
... Dropping AWR_STAGE user

End of AWR Load
  • ログを確認する。
$ tail -5 /oracle/CWDB01/admin/CWDB01/dpdump/awrdump.log
. . imported "AWR_STAGE"."WRM$_PDB_IN_SNAP":"WRM$_PDB_IN_SNAP_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows in 0 seconds
. . imported "AWR_STAGE"."WRM$_PDB_IN_SNAP_BL"               0 KB       0 rows in 0 seconds
. . imported "AWR_STAGE"."WRM$_WR_CONTROL"               14.76 KB       1 rows in 0 seconds
     Completed 220 TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA objects in 28 seconds
Job "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_02" successfully completed at Thu Aug 8 18:08:42 2019 elapsed 0 00:00:36