

Amazon Redshift で結合キーに関数を使うとソートマージ結合にならないパターン

Amazon Redshift で結合キーに関数を使うとソートマージ結合にならないパターン。


結合キーに collate 関数を使用
  • クライアントからみた実行時間は25分47秒。
select a.l_linenumber, avg(a.l_quantity) 
from lineitem a, lineitem b
    collate(a.l_orderkey, 'case_insensitive') = collate(b.l_orderkey, 'case_insensitive') 
    and a.l_shipdate = b.l_shipdate 
group by a.l_linenumber
order by a.l_linenumber;
 l_linenumber |  avg  
            1 | 25.49
            2 | 25.49
            3 | 25.49
            4 | 25.50
            5 | 25.50
            6 | 25.49
            7 | 25.50
(7 rows)

Time: 1547123.222 ms (25:47.123)
  • クエリIDを取得する
select pg_last_query_id();
  • SVL_QUERY_SUMMARY でボトルネックを確認
    • maxtime より Segment 0 で約9分(538秒)、Segment 1で約9分(552秒)、Segment 3-4 で約17分(100秒)要している。
    • Segment 1 で、ハッシュ結合でワークメモリを約24GB(workmem=26,732,396,544 byte)使ってソートし、メモリ上だけでは処理できず、ストレージに中間結果を書き出している(is_diskbased=t)。
select * from svl_query_summary where query = :pg_last_query_id order by stm, seg, step;

 userid |  query  | stm | seg | step |  maxtime   |  avgtime   |    rows     |     bytes     | rate_row | rate_byte  |                  label                  | is_diskbased |   workmem   | is_rrscan | is_delayed_scan | rows_pre_filter 
    100 | 1400920 |   0 |   0 |    0 |  ★538841109 |  472190527 | 18000048306 |  474890157791 | 33457338 |  882695460 | scan   tbl=110211 name=lineitem         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |     18000048306
    100 | 1400920 |   0 |   0 |    1 |  538841109 |  472190527 | 18000048306 |             0 | 33457338 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   0 |   0 |    2 |  538841109 |  472190527 | 18000048306 |  751598030540 | 33457338 | 1397022361 | dist                                    | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   0 |   1 |    0 |  538856386 |  538853041 | 18000048306 |  751598030540 | 33457338 | 1397022361 | scan   tbl=3399 name=Internal Worktable | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   0 |   1 |    1 |  538856386 |  538853041 | 18000048306 |             0 | 33457338 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   0 |   1 |    2 |  538856386 |  538853041 | 18000048306 |  967598610212 | 33457338 | 1798510427 | hash   tbl=1045                         | ★t            | ★26732396544 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   2 |    0 |  ★552474705 |  523335352 | 18000048306 |  690890737463 | 32608783 | 1251613654 | scan   tbl=110211 name=lineitem         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |     18000048306
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   2 |    1 |  552474705 |  523335352 | 18000048306 |             0 | 32608783 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   2 |    2 |  552474705 |  523335352 | 18000048306 | 1039598803436 | 32608783 | 1883331165 | dist                                    | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   3 |    0 | 1007056682 |  991586494 | 18000048306 | 1039598803436 | 17874923 | 1032372198 | scan   tbl=3727 name=Internal Worktable | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   3 |    1 | ★1007056682 |  991586494 | 18000048306 |             0 | 17874923 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   3 |    2 | 1007056682 |  991586494 | 18595188330 |             0 | 18465926 |          0 | hjoin  tbl=1045                         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   3 |    3 | 1007056682 |  991586494 | 18595188330 |             0 | 18465926 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   3 |    4 | 1007056682 |  991586494 | 18595188330 |             0 | 18465926 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   3 |    5 | 1007056682 |  991586494 |         112 |          5376 |        0 |          5 | aggr   tbl=1056                         | f            |   450232320 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   3 |    6 | 1007056682 |  991586494 |         112 |          3584 |        0 |          3 | dist                                    | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    0 | ★1007575421 | 1007574356 |         112 |          3584 |        0 |          3 | scan   tbl=3728 name=Internal Worktable | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    1 | 1007575421 | 1007574356 |           7 |           336 |        0 |          0 | aggr   tbl=1059                         | f            |  7203717120 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    2 | 1007575421 | 1007574356 |           7 |             0 |        0 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    3 | 1007575421 | 1007574356 |           7 |             0 |        0 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    4 | 1007575421 | 1007574356 |           7 |           224 |        0 |          0 | sort   tbl=1062                         | f            |  1800929280 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    5 | 1007575421 | 1007574356 |           0 |             0 |        0 |          0 | merge                                   | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    6 | 1007575421 | 1007574356 |           0 |             0 |        0 |          0 | aggr   tbl=1065                         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   1 |   4 |    7 | 1007575421 | 1007574356 |           0 |             0 |        0 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   2 |   5 |    0 |        484 |        320 |           7 |           224 |          |            | scan   tbl=1062 name=Internal Worktable | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   2 |   5 |    1 |        484 |        320 |           7 |           224 |          |            | return                                  | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   2 |   6 |    0 |       1266 |       1266 |           0 |             0 |          |            | merge                                   | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   2 |   6 |    1 |       1266 |       1266 |           7 |             0 |          |            | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400920 |   2 |   6 |    2 |       1266 |       1266 |           7 |           112 |          |            | return                                  | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
  • SVL_QUERY_METRICS でクエリのメトリクスを確認する
    • query_temp_blocks_to_disk から約1.9TB(2,028,253MB)の中間結果をストレージに書き出している。
    • segment_execution_time(単位:秒) から Segment 0-4 で時間がかかっている。
select * from svl_query_metrics where query = :pg_last_query_id order by dimension;

 userid |  query  | service_class | dimension | segment | step | step_label | query_cpu_time | query_blocks_read | query_execution_time | query_cpu_usage_percent | query_temp_blocks_to_disk | segment_execution_time | cpu_skew | io_skew | scan_row_count | join_row_count | nested_loop_join_row_count | return_row_count | spectrum_scan_row_count | spectrum_scan_size_mb | query_queue_time |                        service_class_name                        
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | query     |         |      |            |          11292 |            680519 |                 1547 |                   19.98 |                   ★2028253 |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | segment   |       2 |      |            |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                    ★552 |     1.09 |    1.01 |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | segment   |       3 |      |            |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                   ★1008 |     1.06 |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | segment   |       0 |      |            |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                    ★538 |     1.08 |    1.00 |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | segment   |       1 |      |            |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                    ★539 |     1.81 |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | segment   |       4 |      |            |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                   ★1008 |     1.10 |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       1 |    2 | hash       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       3 |    0 | scan       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |    18000048306 |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       3 |    6 | dist       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       3 |    5 | aggr       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       3 |    3 | project    |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       3 |    1 | project    |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       1 |    0 | scan       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |    18000041452 |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       0 |    0 | scan       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |    17967314808 |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       0 |    2 | dist       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       3 |    2 | hjoin      |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |    18583858771 |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       2 |    1 | project    |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       2 |    0 | scan       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |    17971456153 |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       3 |    4 | project    |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       2 |    2 | dist       |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       0 |    1 | project    |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400920 |           100 | step      |       1 |    1 | project    |                |                   |                 1547 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue   
  • SVL_QUERY_REPORT で Segment の実行開始・終了時間を確認する
    • Segment 3 と 4 の start_time と end_time が同時間帯のため、Segment 3 と 4 は並行で実行されている。
    • つまり、Segment 3、4 の合計で約17分(100秒)要している。
 =# select segment, slice, min(start_time) start_time_min, max(end_time) end_time_max 
from svl_query_report where query = :pg_last_query_id
and segment in (3, 4)
group by segment, slice
order by segment, slice;

 segment | slice |       start_time_min       |        end_time_max        
       3 |     0 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.945673 | 2023-04-14 06:15:26.334688
       3 |     1 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.945823 | 2023-04-14 06:15:26.873808
       3 |     2 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.945965 | 2023-04-14 06:15:27.812101
       3 |     3 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.946126 | 2023-04-14 06:15:28.006565
       3 |     4 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.950082 | 2023-04-14 06:15:41.992692
       3 |     5 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.950206 | 2023-04-14 06:15:42.857837
       3 |     6 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.953663 | 2023-04-14 06:15:44.907382
       3 |     7 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.965558 | 2023-04-14 06:15:44.40274
       3 |     8 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.944929 | 2023-04-14 06:15:59.388491
       3 |     9 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.945254 | 2023-04-14 06:15:59.434196
       3 |    10 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.945456 | 2023-04-14 06:15:54.800025
       3 |    11 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.945117 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.001799
       3 |    12 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.947844 | 2023-04-14 06:15:47.805595
       3 |    13 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.94682  | 2023-04-14 06:15:48.432422
       3 |    14 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.947364 | 2023-04-14 06:15:48.744143
       3 |    15 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.946962 | 2023-04-14 06:15:50.762271
       4 |     0 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941083 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515626
       4 |     1 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941058 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515746
       4 |     2 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941051 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515683
       4 |     3 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941127 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515721
       4 |     4 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.948774 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.521407
       4 |     5 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.948658 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.521353
       4 |     6 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.948649 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.521429
       4 |     7 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.949042 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.521365
       4 |     8 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.940503 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515515
       4 |     9 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.940535 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515523
       4 |    10 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.940538 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515505
       4 |    11 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.940875 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.515467
       4 |    12 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941291 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.516618
       4 |    13 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941292 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.516713
       4 |    14 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941254 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.516624
       4 |    15 | 2023-04-14 05:59:12.941471 | 2023-04-14 06:16:00.516613
結合キーに collate 関数を使用しない
  • Amazon Redshift はデフォルトで case sensitive(大文字小文字区別あり)のため、関数を使わずに case_insensitive にする場合は、データベースレベル(CREATE DATABASE)かテーブルレベル(CREATE TABLE)で指定する。
    • データロード後にデータベースレベルの変更はできないので、最初に設定しておく必要がある。テーブルレベルも ALTER TABLE で変更できないため、CREATE TABLE 時に指定しておく。
select a.l_linenumber, avg(a.l_quantity) 
from lineitem a, lineitem b
    a.l_orderkey = b.l_orderkey 
    and a.l_shipdate = b.l_shipdate 
group by a.l_linenumber
order by a.l_linenumber;
 l_linenumber |  avg  
            1 | 25.49
            2 | 25.49
            3 | 25.49
            4 | 25.50
            5 | 25.50
            6 | 25.49
            7 | 25.50
(7 rows)

Time: 109130.947 ms (01:49.131)
  • クエリIDを取得する
select pg_last_query_id();
  • SVL_QUERY_SUMMARY でボトルネックを確認
    • 結合方式は Merge Join になっている。
select * from svl_query_summary where query = :pg_last_query_id order by stm, seg, step;

 userid |  query  | stm | seg | step |  maxtime  |  avgtime  |    rows     |    bytes     | rate_row  | rate_byte  |                  label                  | is_diskbased |   workmem   | is_rrscan | is_delayed_scan | rows_pre_filter 
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    0 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18000048306 | 690890737463 | 166667113 | 6397136457 | scan   tbl=110211 name=lineitem         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |     18000048306
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    1 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18000048306 |            0 | 166667113 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    2 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18000048306 |            0 | 166667113 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    3 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18000048306 |            0 | 166667113 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    4 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18595188330 |            0 | 172177669 |          0 | ★mjoin  tbl=1043                         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    5 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18595188330 |            0 | 172177669 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    6 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18595188330 |            0 | 172177669 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    7 | 108904062 | 101244834 |         112 |         5376 |         1 |         49 | aggr   tbl=1051                         | f            |  1670774784 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    8 | 108904062 | 101244834 |         112 |         3584 |         1 |         33 | dist                                    | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |    9 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18000048306 | 402145489327 | 166667113 | 3723569345 | scan   tbl=110211 name=lineitem         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |     18000048306
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |   10 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18000048306 |            0 | 166667113 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   0 |   11 | 108904062 | 101244834 | 18000048306 |            0 | 166667113 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    0 | 108911239 | 108910624 |         112 |         3584 |         1 |         33 | scan   tbl=3098 name=Internal Worktable | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    1 | 108911239 | 108910624 |           7 |          336 |         0 |          3 | aggr   tbl=1054                         | f            | 26732396544 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    2 | 108911239 | 108910624 |           7 |            0 |         0 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    3 | 108911239 | 108910624 |           7 |            0 |         0 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    4 | 108911239 | 108910624 |           7 |          224 |         0 |          2 | sort   tbl=1057                         | f            |  6683099136 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    5 | 108911239 | 108910624 |           0 |            0 |         0 |          0 | merge                                   | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    6 | 108911239 | 108910624 |           0 |            0 |         0 |          0 | aggr   tbl=1059                         | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   0 |   1 |    7 | 108911239 | 108910624 |           0 |            0 |         0 |          0 | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   1 |   2 |    0 |       444 |       319 |           7 |          224 |           |            | scan   tbl=1057 name=Internal Worktable | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   1 |   2 |    1 |       444 |       319 |           7 |          224 |           |            | return                                  | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   1 |   3 |    0 |      1313 |      1313 |           0 |            0 |           |            | merge                                   | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   1 |   3 |    1 |      1313 |      1313 |           7 |            0 |           |            | project                                 | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
    100 | 1400839 |   1 |   3 |    2 |      1313 |      1313 |           7 |          112 |           |            | return                                  | f            |           0 | f         | f               |               0
  • SVL_QUERY_METRICS でクエリのメトリクスを確認する
    • 時間を要している Segment は 0 と 1 で、109秒。
    • query_temp_blocks_to_disk は null でストレージに中間結果を書き出していない。
select * from svl_query_metrics where query = :pg_last_query_id order by dimension;

 userid |  query  | service_class | dimension | segment | step | step_label | query_cpu_time | query_blocks_read | query_execution_time | query_cpu_usage_percent | ★query_temp_blocks_to_disk | ★segment_execution_time | cpu_skew | io_skew | scan_row_count | join_row_count | nested_loop_join_row_count | return_row_count | spectrum_scan_row_count | spectrum_scan_size_mb | query_queue_time |                        service_class_name                        
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | query     |         |      |            |           1328 |            665083 |                  109 |                   39.65 |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | segment   |       0 |      |            |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                    ★109 |     1.05 |    1.01 |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | segment   |       1 |      |            |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                    ★109 |     1.33 |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    6 | project    |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    1 | project    |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    3 | project    |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    0 | scan       |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |    17895323648 |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    5 | project    |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    4 | mjoin      |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |    18486895360 |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |   10 | project    |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |   11 | project    |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    2 | project    |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |                |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue                                                   
    100 | 1400839 |           100 | step      |       0 |    9 | scan       |                |                   |                  109 |                         |                           |                        |          |         |    17895840000 |                |                            |                  |                         |                       |                  | Default queue     


データセットCloud Data Warehouse Benchmark Derived from TPC-H の 3TB を使用。

  • ユーザーレベルで結果キャッシュを無効化
alter user awsuser set enable_result_cache_for_session = off;
  • データベースを作成
create database tpch_3tb_other_key3
collate case_insensitive 
isolation level snapshot;
  • テーブル作成
    • l_orderkey を varchar に変更している
create table lineitem (
  l_orderkey varchar(11) not null ,
  l_partkey int8 not null,
  l_suppkey int4 not null,
  l_linenumber int4 not null,
  l_quantity numeric(12,2) not null,
  l_extendedprice numeric(12,2) not null,
  l_discount numeric(12,2) not null,
  l_tax numeric(12,2) not null,
  l_returnflag char(1) not null,
  l_linestatus char(1) not null,
  l_shipdate date not null ,
  l_commitdate date not null,
  l_receiptdate date not null,
  l_shipinstruct char(25) not null,
  l_shipmode char(10) not null,
  l_comment varchar(44) not null,
) distkey(l_orderkey) sortkey(l_shipdate, l_orderkey);
  • データをロードする
copy lineitem from 's3://redshift-downloads/TPC-H/2.18/3TB/orders/' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/redshift-spectrum-s3-fullaccess' delimiter '|' region 'us-east-1';