TotalBackupStorageBilled(保持期限内の自動スナップショットの累積サイズ) + SnapshotStorageUsed(保持期限外の手動スナップショット) がクラスターのストレージ使用量(VolumeBytesUsed)を超える分が課金される。
現在のストレージ使用量(VolumeBytesUsed)が 50TB のクラスターで、自動スナップショットの保持期限を7日間に設定している場合、日次で手動スナップショットを取得して2世代残し(それより古いものは削除)ても課金対象外となる。7日間の自動スナップショットの累積サイズ(BackupRetentionPeriodStorageUsed)が 50TB を超える分は課金される。
- クラスターのボリュームサイズ(使用量)までのスナップショットは課金されない。
There is no additional charge for backup storage of up to 100% of your total Aurora database storage for each Aurora DB cluster.
Understanding Amazon Aurora backup storage usage - Amazon Aurora
The free backup storage is equal to the latest volume size.
Understanding Amazon Aurora backup storage usage - Amazon Aurora
- 手動スナップショットは自動スナップショットの保持期限(retention period)内は課金されない。
Manual snapshots don't count against your snapshot backup storage (that is, they're not charged) while their creation timestamp is within the retention period.
Understanding Amazon Aurora backup storage usage - Amazon Aurora
- 例
Example of backup storage billing
The following detailed example shows backup storage billing over a week. In this example, the retention period is seven days. Aurora backups are stored on Amazon S3. Aurora backup usage on S3 includes both updates and inserts, and is billed for usage above the cluster volume within the retention period.
Day Cluster volume size (GiB) S3 usage 1 100 10 2 110 0 3 125 25 4 130 20 5 140 10 6 150 25 7 150 30 Total 150 120 We also have 90 GiB of S3 usage from outside the retention window that's required to restore to any point in time within the retention period (point-in-time recovery). This is part of the incremental behavior of Aurora continuous backup.
The total continuous backup usage is the S3 usage minus the cluster volume size:
90 GiB (S3 usage before retention period) + 120 GiB (S3 usage during retention period) - 150 GiB (cluster volume) = 60 GiBUnderstanding Amazon Aurora backup storage usage - Amazon Aurora