

cqlsh から Amazon KeySpaces に接続する(パスワード認証版)

Amazon Linux 2023 に cqlsh をインストールして、ユーザー名/パスワードで Amazon KeySpaces に接続して CQL を発行する手順。


$ pip install cqlsh==6.0.0
$ cqlsh --version
cqlsh 6.0.0


cqlshr の設定を行う
  • cqlshrc のテンプレートをダウンロードする
$ mkdir .cassandra
$ cd .cassandra/
$ curl -o cqlshrc -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-keyspaces-toolkit/master/cqlsh-expansion/cqlsh_expansion/cqlshrc_template
  • ${HOME}/.cassandra/cqlshrc を編集する
port = 9142
factory = cqlshlib.ssl.ssl_transport_factory

validate = true
certfile = ~/.cassandra/sf-class2-root.crt

Starfield デジタル証明書をダウンロード
$ pwd
$ curl https://certs.secureserver.net/repository/sf-class2-root.crt -O


$ cqlsh cassandra.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com 9142 -u "keyspaces_user+1-at-123456789012" -p "********" --ssl
/home/ec2-user/.local/bin/cqlsh:460: DeprecationWarning: Legacy execution parameters will be removed in 4.0. Consider using execution profiles.
/home/ec2-user/.local/bin/cqlsh:460: DeprecationWarning: Using ssl_options without ssl_context is deprecated and will result in an error in the next major release. Please use ssl_context to prepare for that release.
/home/ec2-user/.local/bin/cqlsh:490: DeprecationWarning: Setting the consistency level at the session level will be removed in 4.0. Consider using execution profiles and setting the desired consistency level to the EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT profile.
Connected to Amazon Keyspaces at cassandra.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com:9142
[cqlsh 6.0.0 | Cassandra 3.11.2 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
keyspaces_user+1-at-123456789012@cqlsh> SELECT * FROM tutorialkeyspace.tutorialtable;

 email            | age | name
 john@example.com |  21 |     John
   p@muramura.com |   1 |   murata
  yusuke@oyama.jp |  28 |    Oyama
  bob@example.com |  22 |      Bob
    chrai@co2.com |   1 |  shiotsu
 shohei@otani.com |  29 |    Otani
        e@co2.com |   1 |  shiotsu
   chrai@co22.com |   1 | shiotsu2

(8 rows)
keyspaces_user+1-at-123456789012@cqlsh> exit


  • AMI ID: ami-0a21e01face015dd9
$ cat /etc/system-release
Amazon Linux release 2023 (Amazon Linux)
$ uname -r