

Redshift で WLM キュー待ち時間に上限があるか

Redshift のパラメータ statement_timeout が 0 だとクエリはタイムアウトしない。statement_timeout はWLMでのキュー待ち時間と実行時間の両方を含む。キュー待ち時間に上限を設定したい場合は QMR で query_queue_time を使用する。

The statement_timeout value is the maximum amount of time a query can run before Amazon Redshift terminates it. This time includes planning, queueing in workload management (WLM), and execution time. Compare this time to WLM timeout (max_execution_time) and a QMR (query_execution_time), which include only execution time.

If WLM timeout (max_execution_time) is also specified as part of a WLM configuration, the lower of statement_timeout and max_execution_time is used.

statement_timeout - Amazon Redshift